Debian stable Web Server step-by-step

From Nick Jenkins
Revision as of 21:30, 3 June 2008 by (Talk)

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This is a series of specific steps for setting up Debian Etch 4.0 as a nice PHP web server. You are welcome to correct any mistakes or errors, improve the content, or add anything that seems to be missing. 1Ga9Bf fdv084y0v4t3cnfv593bv29vb

Install Debian Etch 4.0 base on an HP netserver 1000R with a NetRAID card.

Linux setup steps/Install Debian Etch 4.0

Update /etc/apt/sources.list.

Linux setup steps/update APT sources list

Get the latest and greatest packages.

Linux setup steps/upgrade Debian packages

Remove unneeded or unwanted packages.

Linux setup steps/Remove unneeded or unwanted Debian packages

Install LAMP.

Linux setup steps/Install LAMP on Debian

Install extra useful software.

Linux setup steps/Install extra useful software

Disable IPv6.

Linux setup steps/Disable IPv6

Stop console screen from blanking.

Linux setup steps/Stop console screen from blanking

Exim 4 configuration.

Linux setup steps/Exim 4 configuration

Customizing Apache configuration.

Linux setup steps/Customize Apache configuration

Set up Apache virtual hosting.

Linux setup steps/Apache virtual hosting

Apache content compression.

Linux setup steps/Apache content compression

Configure php.ini.

Linux setup steps/Configure php.ini

Enable SSL in Apache 2.

Linux setup steps/Enable SSL in Apache 2

Change the date.

Linux setup steps/Change the date

Installing and configuring tripwire.

Linux setup steps/installing and configuring tripwire

Tweak MySQL configuration.

Linux setup steps/Tweak MySQL configuration

Installing and configuring portsentry.

Linux setup steps/installing and configuring portsentry

Locking down the IP functionality.

Linux setup steps/Locking down the IP functionality


Linux setup steps/Set limits.conf

Install bastille.

Linux setup steps/Install bastille

Install the latest SUN JDK using pinning.

Linux setup steps/Install the latest SUN JDK using pinning

Install the NTP daemon to keep the time current.

Linux setup steps/Install NTP daemon to keep the time current

Install APC as the PHP opcode cache.

Linux setup steps/Install APC as the PHP opcode cache

Automatic daily downloading and email notification of pending security updates.

Linux setup steps/cron-apt

Test if all CPUs are being used.

Linux setup steps/test if using all cpus

Move Cronjobs forward a few hours.

Linux setup steps/move cronjobs forward a few hours

Alias the poweroff command.

Linux setup steps/Alias the poweroff command

Permission changes.

Linux setup steps/Permission changes