Talk:LAN dates

From Nick Jenkins
Revision as of 03:57, 10 May 2006 by (Talk)

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Weekend Nick + Bec Steve Mike Breckan James Peter H Simon Peter B
12 + 13 August Yes  ? Yes  ?  ? Probably on tour Yes  ?
19 + 20 August Yes  ? Yes  ?  ? Probably on tour Yes  ?
26 + 27 August Yes  ? Yes  ?  ? Probably on tour Yes  ?
2 + 3 September No - Father's Day No - Father's Day No - Father's Day & Poker Night No - Father's Day No - Father's Day No - Father's Day No - Father's Day No - Father's Day
9 + 10 September No - Simon's Bday  ? Yes  ?  ? Probably on tour No - Simon's Bday  ?
16 + 17 September Yes  ? Possibly not, Birthday on Monday  ?  ? Quite probably Yes  ?
23 + 24 September Yes  ? Yes  ?  ? Probably Yes  ?

Peter sez: Unfortunately I will be on tour with FourPlay for most of August and September. We *will* have some breaks, but I don't currently know the final schedule. It will probably be over by mid-Sept, so the only one I thought I could be reasonably sure of is 16 + 17 September. No doubt something will therefore come up on those dates. Hopefully I will know soon.

Oh, and I'm skiing way back in July, 17-22; Steve is coming then too.

Michael sez: My birthday is the 18th, so there's a chance I'll be doing something on the Friday, Saturday or Sunday night of the previous weekend. Since I won't necessarily be the one planning it, I'd probably better keep those dates clear!